
Playful Aggressions

Guendalina Cerruti, Holly Hendry, Zoe Williams, and a story by Charlie Fox

15 Feb - 23 Mar

from left to right: ‘Goddess’ (2016-2019) by Zoe Williams; ‘Flatbone’ (2017) by Holly Hendry

from left to right: ‘Thanks a million’ (2019) by Guendalina Cerruti; ‘Keep Coffin’ (2019) by Holly Hendry; ‘Trees on snow, table’ (2019) by Guendalina Cerruti

from left to right: ‘Couple’ (2016-2019) by Zoe Williams; ‘Thanks a million’ (2019), ‘White van, table’ (2019), and ‘Trees on snow, table’ (2019) by Guendalina Cerruti; ‘My Gremlin Did Some Wicked Things’ (2019) by Charlie Fox

‘My Gremlin Did Some Wicked Things’ (2019) by Charlie Fox

from left to right: ‘White van, table’ (2019), and ‘Trees on snow, table’ (2019) by Guendalina Cerruti; ‘Chamber Aide on yellow’ (2016-2019) by Zoe Williams; ‘Thanks a million’ (2019) by Guendalina Cerruti; ‘Keep Coffin’ (2019) by Holly Hendry